João Nuno Frazão

João Nuno Frazão is a Ph.D Candidate at NOVA School of Law (NSL), having completed the academic year with all seminars and the final project with current investigation in european space law. João graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Law at University of Lisbon School of Law (FDUL) and has a master’s Degree from NSL, with a dissertation focused on suborbital flights.
João attended the “ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy” (2014) and was the Assistant Faculty Advisor of the NOVA School of Law team at the European Rounds of the “Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition” (2018). He is a former member of the “Space Generation Advisory Council” Legal Team (2018-2020). Member of the NPOC for the European Centre for Space Law.
Theses & Dissertations
- FRAZÃO, João Nuno, A regulação da Atividade Espacial: Questão Emergente da Responsabilidade Civil no Transporte Turístico Aeroespacial, Master’s Dissertation in the specialty of Forensic-Legal Sciences, NOVA School of Law (February 2015)
Articles & Other Publications
- The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group (portuguese translation), The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group – Trad. BITTENCOURT NETO, Olavo; ALOIA, Vinicius; FRAZÃO, João Nuno (Nov 2019)
- FRAZÃO, João Nuno, “A União Europeia e o futuro: os programas espaciais ao serviço dos cidadãos europeus”, AwarEU Blog (April 2018)
- FRAZÃO, João Nuno, “O que é a governamentalidade? Do panóptico ao sinóptico e da biopolítica à psicopolítica: conceito, evolução e a sua relação com o Direito”, Revista de Direito Público – Year IX, No. 17 (Jan/Jun 2017)
- Speaker at the Postgraduate Program in Aerospace Sciences, University of the Brazilian Air Force (Brazil), on “Portuguese space activities in the context of national security and defence” as well as on “Space activities in the context of the EU and NATO” (online), 16 November 2023
- Speaker at the Congress on Space Law, with the topic “International liability for damage caused by space objects”, promoted by ELSA U.Coimbra, 26 October 2023
- Speaker at the II Summer ELSA Law School on Law and Tech, organizado pela ELSA U.Porto, with the topic “Space Law”, promoted by ELSA U.Porto, 26 July 2023
- Co-speaker (with Laura Yvonne Zielinski) at Stanford Law School’s International Economic Law, Business & Policy Colloquium, with the topic on “Space Law and Arbitration”, organised by Stanford Law School and the Stanford International Arbitration Association, 19 April 2023.
- Moderator of the “SESSION III – SUSTAINABLE SPACE ACTIVITIES – BEST PRACTICES” in the Workshop on Space Activities Licensing, co-organised by ANACOM and SPARC, 23 March 2023.
- Co-speaker (with Francisco Pereira Coutinho) at the course Geospatial information and satellite images: possible uses for public administration, promoted by INA, I. P., with the topic on “Space and International Law”, 27 January 2023
- Speaker at the Space Law Webinar, ELSA U. Porto (org.), online, 16 November 2022.
- Speaker at the Summer ELSA Law School on Law and Tech, organizado pela ELSA U.Porto, with the topic “Space Law”, promoted by ELSA U.Porto, 27 July 2022.
- Co-speaker (with João Marques de Azevedo) at 14th ESSCA Space Policy Workshop, with the topic “Portugal Above the Clouds: The Strategic, Political and Legal Evolution of Space Activities in Portugal”, ESSCA & International Space University (org.), online, 10 June 2022.
- Co-speaker (with João Marques de Azevedo) at 14th ESSCA Space Policy Workshop, with the topic “Portugal Above the Clouds: The Strategic, Political and Legal Evolution of Space Activities in Portugal”, ESSCA & International Space University (org.), online, 10 June 2022.
- Speaker at the 3rd edition of the Space Law Course, promoted by SPARC, with the topic “A União Europeia e o Direito Espacial”, 3 May 2022.
- Speaker at the 3rd edition of the Space Law Course, promoted by SPARC, at the roundtable “Perspetivas nacionais sobre o Direito Espacial” ,3 May 2022.
- Speaker at the 3rd edition of the Space Law Course, promoted by SPARC, with the topic “Introdução ao Direito Espacial e aos Tratados internacionais: Acordo de Salvamento, Convenção de Responsabilidade e Convenção de Registo”, 2 May 2022.
- Speaker at the event Reflexos Globais do Conflito da Ucrânia no Setor Espacial e na Aviação Civil, promoted by the Comissão de Direito Espacial e pela Comissão de Direito e Relações Internacionais, Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Subsecção de Santos / Brazilian Bar Association, Santos, 29 April 2022;
- Co-speaker (with João Marques de Azevedo) at the 2nd edition of the European Law and Foreign Policy Meetings, with the topic “Space Law”, organised by ELSA U.Minho, 14 April 2022.
- Speaker at the Curso B-Learning As Profissões Jurídicas e a Revolução Digital, 3rd Edition, with a presentation on “Space Law”, promoted by the Lisbon Regional Council of the Portuguese Bar Association, 2 March 2022.
- Speaker at the event Ao Encontro do Espaço, Universidade Sénior de Manique, 23 November 2021.
- Speaker at the event Experiências Académicas Nacionais e Internacionais no Direito Espacial: Perspetivas da Europa e América, promoted by the Space Law Commission of the Santos Subsection of the Brazilian Bar Association, 17 November 2021.
- Moderator at the 2nd edition of the Space Law Course, promoted by SPARC, in the “Roundtable on national perspectives: Portugal, France, Brazil, United Kingdowm, Nordic Countries and United States”, 23 March 2021.
- Speaker at the 2nd edition of the Space Law Course, promoted by SPARC, with the topic “A União Europeia e o Direito Espacial”, 23 March 2021.
- Speaker at the Curso B-Learning: as Profissões Jurídicas e a Revolução Digital, with the topic “Contextos Presentes e Futuros da Prática do Direito (…da Ciência e da Arte)”, promoted by the Lisbon Regional Council of the Portuguese Bar Association, 6 October 2020.
- Speaker at the event Portugal Air Summit, at the panel “Aerospace is for everybody – follow your dreams”, 31 May 2019.
- Observer at the third meeting of the Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group, University of Luxembourg, 11 and 12 November 2019.