Ao longo dos últimos anos, os membros do SPARC e a comunidade académica da NOVA School of Law têm vindo a investigar matérias relacionadas com Direito do Espaço em Inglês e Português.
Teses e Dissertações
Aloia, Vinicius, Doing business in Space: The Framework for Commercial Space Activities and the Legal and Regulatory Challenges faced by the Commercial Space Sector : A Nordic Perspective, Master’s Thesis, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law (2020)
Bouvier, Robin, Privatization of Outer Space: The management of private space risks under International Space Law, Ph.D. in Law (TBD)
De Marchi, Ewerton, Satellite Remote Sensing Cooperation in support of the Amazon: The ACTO and Leticia Pact , Dissertation to obtain a Master’s Degree in Law, in the specialty of International and European Law, NOVA School of Law (Ago 2020)
Frazão, João Nuno, A regulação da Atividade Espacial: Questão Emergente da Responsabilidade Civil no Transporte Turístico Aeroespacial, Dissertação com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Direito em Ciências Jurídicas Forenses, NOVA School of Law (Fev 2015)
Serra, João Miguel Falcão de Oliveira, The Legal Framework for Conventional Military Activities in Outer Space: Past, Present and Future, Dissertation to obtain a Master’s Degree in Law, in the specialty of International and European Law, NOVA School of Law (Fev 2021, to be defended)
Rola, Ana Filipa Clérigo, A Regulação das Atividades de Exploração de Recursos Espaciais por Entidades Privadas, Dissertação com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Direito e Gestão, NOVA School of Law (Jun 2018)
Torres, Manuel Poêjo, Might extra-terrestrial threats to planet Earth be so menacing that, in the face of them, humanity would transcend its competitive nature and co-operate in the interest of survival, or would the challenge be too severe?, Dissertation to obtain a M.A. in Strategic Studies, University of Reading (Fev 2011)
Artigos & Outras Publicações
Aloia, Vinicius, The Sustainability of Large Satellite Constellations: Challenges for Space Law, in Legal Aspects Around Satellite Constellations (eds. Froehlich, A.), Studies in Space Policy, vol. 19, Springer (2019)
Aloia, Vinicius & Bhattacharya, Ananyo, Large Satellite Constellations and the Orbital Debris Environment, Commercial Space Project Group, Space Generation Advisory Council Newsletter (Dec 2018)
Aloia, Vinicius et. al, Utilizing space-enabled capabilities for the mitigation of COVID-19 and future pandemics, in The role of space during pandemics, Illkirch-Graffenstaden (France): International Space University (2020)
Bittencourt Neto, Olavo (in cooperation with Aloia, Vinicius; Frazão, João Nuno) The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group (tradução para português), The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group (Nov 2019)
Bouvier, Robin, Substantive and procedural opportunities for a unified international property regime in outer space (article waiting for publication)
Frazão, João Nuno, O que é a governamentalidade? Do panóptico ao sinóptico e da biopolítica à psicopolítica: conceito, evolução e a sua relação com o Direito, Revista de Direito Público – Ano IX, N.º 17 (Jan/Jun 2017)
Frazão, João Nuno, A União Europeia e o futuro: os programas espaciais ao serviço dos cidadãos europeus, AwarEU Blog (Abr 2018)
Pereira Coutinho, Francisco & Pinto Ferreira, Sara, A Regulação do Espaço Exterior, in Garantias de Direitos e Regulação: Perspetivas de Direito Administrativo (coord. Amado Gomes, C. et. al) AAFDL Editora (Jan 2020)